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Dietitian Jess: Diabetes Made Easy
Week 1: Diabetes Basics (Meds, Monitoring, etc.)
Introduction (3:26)
Type 2 Diabetes in the Body (8:11)
Monitoring (4:37)
Medications (5:13)
Module 1 Handouts
Week 2: Diabetes Nutrition Part 1
Where to start?! Nutrition Basics (7:51)
What diet is best?! Keto? IF? Low carb? (5:25)
Intro to Intuitive Eating for Diabetes (8:38)
What carbs should I eat?! Fiber is your Friend (7:38)
Module 2 Handouts
Week 3: Diabetes Nutrition Part 2
Putting information into Action (1:20)
What to look for on nutrition labels? (12:57)
Is counting carbs necessary? (13:08)
What to do for a "sweet tooth"?? Sugars 101 (14:53)
Module 3 Handouts
Week 4: Meal Planning Part 1
How do you balance meals for blood sugars? (13:58)
What to eat: Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Snacks? (16:02)
Module 4 Handouts
Week 5: Meal Planning Part 2
What to do when you are eating out?? (12:45)
How to manage diabetes during the holidays?! (10:28)
What about alcohol?? (8:13)
Module 5 Handouts
Week 6: Movement, Mindset, and Maintenance
Movement: Finding exercise you enjoy (8:03)
Mindset: The importance of mental health (9:19)
Maintenance: Overcoming barriers (8:15)
Module 6 Handouts
Bonus Materials
7 Day Diabetes Meal Plan
Diabetes Meal Plan Grocery List
50 Healthy Diabetes Snacks List
6 M Method Workbook
What diet is best?! Keto? IF? Low carb?
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